Elements of Frontier Terminology in the Roman Empire
Adnana CÎTEIA – p.7

Historians and Social Scientists – Divergence and Convergence within the Research Methodology
Lucian JORA – p.15

Tradition, Crisis and Reform of the European Cohesion Policy
Georgeta GHEBREA – p.31

De la Via Insurreccional a la Via Democratica. La Evolucion del Partido Socialista de Chile entre 1960 — 1990
Răzvan Victor PANTELIMON – p.45

Exito de un Partido Politico. Chile 1990-2010. Partido Democrata Cristiano y Union Democrata Independiente.
Mana Jose Pineiro TEJO – p.59

A Day of Great Enthusiasm for the People. Elections under the Communist Regime in Romania
Raluca MĂRGĂRIT – p.77

The 2009 Romanian Presidential Elections: Voter Turnout and Electoral Behaviour in Constanta
Mihaela IVĂNESCU – p.91

Voter Turnout, Blank and Null Ballots in the Dobrudja Local and General Elections (1992-2008)
Aurelian GIUGĂL – p.103

Political Culture, Ritual and Symbol within the Ethno-Political Identities in Dobrogea
Enache TUŞA – p.117

The European Model of Governance: Pastorate and/or Good Governance
Viorella MANOLACHE, Henrieta AniŞoara ŞERBAN – p.129

The Social Aspects of Political Communication
Mihaela RUS – p.139

Le Symbolisme Socio-Culturel des Îles Malouines dans la Construction de l’Etat-Nation Argentin
Alexandru Ionuţ DRĂGULIN – p.151


Ewan Harrison, The Post-Cold War International System. Strategies, Institutions and Reflexivity
Luiza FILIMON – p.165

Sergiu Gherghina, Sergiu Mişcoiu, Sorina Soare, Populismul contemporan. Un concept controversat si formele sale diverse
Alexandru Ionuţ DRĂGULIN – p.169

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