Author’s Guidelines

Each issue of the Annals of the Ovidius University of Constanta – Political Science Series (AUOC-SP) presents various original investigative papers covering different thematic, spatial and temporal areas, thus encouraging innovative and comparative approaches on different methodological and thematic research lines. We are continuing the development of our fundamental objective to present various opinions and researches in political science, representing the points of view of both Romanian and international researchers.
The manuscripts we receive are subject to an arbitration process conducted by two anonymous reviewers, specialists appointed according to the topic of each article (double – blind peer review process). During the evaluation process, the names of both authors and reviewers remain anonymous. The final decision to publish or reject the articles is taken by the editor in chief and the editorial team members, based on the report submitted by the reviewers (download review form). This journal does not impose any temporal or spatial limitation to the issues covered, but rather encourages diversity and innovative approaches.

The papers must be submitted in English or in another international language (French, Spanish, German or Italian) and should be unpublished work. They must contain the author or authors’ full names, institution they belong to, their e-mails and an 8 to 10 row bio note about the author(s): position, scientific title(s), areas of interest and research, some relevant papers or other scientific publications.

The papers will have between 6.000 and 8.000 words(10 to 15 pages), and the book reviews – between 1.500 and 3.000 words(3 to 5 pages). They should have a title, an abstract of 200-250 words, written in English and Romanian and at least five key words. The abstract should reflect the structure of the article (research background, investigation methods, results and conclusions).
The manuscripts must be sent in Microsoft Word format. Images illustrating the text must be sent as .jpg or .tiff files; the author assumes responsibility for the right to publish the images.
The documents must be sent preferably in Garamond Font size 12, single line spacing. Footnotes must be put automatically in Garamond Font size 10. Final references must be added in the last section of the article preferably in Garamond Font size 12 (download paper template).

Footnotes must respect the Chicago-Turabian style citation; for details, see:

The manuscripts should be sent to the journal’s email:

The journal’s editorial board reserves the right that upon the review by the referents to publish or reject any of the received papers and to suggest any of the collaborators changes that may be considered as necessary.
Note: The authors are directly responsible for the information presented in their contributions and of their work’s authenticity and originality. The editorial board of the Annals of the “Ovidius” University of Constanţa, Political Science Series is not to be held responsible in any of these issues.